
3 September 3, 2014

Camp Hollywood XVII: An OC Takeover!

By |2014-11-11T21:49:02-08:00September 3rd, 2014|Swing Dancing, Competitions, General, Dance Camps, Dancing Around the World, Teacher Feature|0 Comments

If you’re not a Lindy Hopper, or maybe you are new to the scene, you may not have heard that hundreds of swing dancers gathered [...]

30 November 30, 2009

Shesha and Sarah win the US Open

By |2024-11-18T20:55:36-08:00November 30th, 2009|Swing Dancing, Competitions|Comments Off on Shesha and Sarah win the US Open

Sarah Breck and I were proud to represent Lindy Hop at the US Open Swing Dance Championships in 2009.

In a "Strictly" Lindy contest we improvise to a song chosen by the DJ. Our content must be lindy hop, rather than balboa or Shag, or West Coast Swing. At the US open they have four "Strictly" divisions; West Coast Swing, Hand Dancing, St. Louis Shag, and Lindy Hop. At the end of those contests they top 5 of each Genré participate in a team battle.

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