In these uncertain times, one thing that’s for sure is that we all love dancing, and especially miss doing it while amongst friends at our favorite social hubs such as ATOMIC Ballroom.
While current state mandates prohibit public gatherings and further limit the number of people recommended to gather together in small groups to less than ten, most places particularly social dance studios have had to close their doors due to the spread of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
While this hasn’t been easy for anyone, current circumstances have been especially hard for those who need to closely interact with others to make their living, such as dance instructors. Most instructors don’t just teach because they have to, most do it because they want to and love to. So to be suddenly pulled away from what one does for a living as well as for enjoyment is a double whammy both to one’s finances and spirit.
Participants who understand the importance of practice and repetition, and simply miss social dancing may wonder how they’ll be able to continue to progress without in-person instruction or a physical dance partner. But dancers need not worry because thanks to technological innovations and ATOMIC’s inclination for keeping up with the latest trends, you don’t have to miss out on class because of the Stay at home order and can still get face to face lessons from a safe distance.
In just a few easy clicks you can get connected and take classes with your favorite instructors from the comfort of your own home! All that you have to do is check out the current schedule of live stream classes at to see class times and options. Simply sign in for your class(es) of choice, then download the Zoom app and log in (or create an account if you’re new to Zoom). Thirty minutes before class begins be sure to check your e-mail for the link to join the online class! It’s that simple! You can check out for more details.
Also, be rest assured that your instructors are aware that you might not have a partner, so will be teaching with that in mind. Since it is also just as important to focus on footwork, body mechanics and other individual movements, it isn’t necessary to have a partner for the live stream classes. In fact, when you think back to any partner class you’ve previously taken, an integral part of learning partner dancing is separating pairs into leaders and followers sections to work on those specific movements solo, and then coming back together to do the steps as one. So this is a perfect time to pay special attention to one’s own individual technique and fine-tune different aspects to make your dance experience (and that of your partner’s) even more amazing!
In case you missed the annual red tag sale that ran through the month of March, you’re in luck because the popular sale will continue through April! So take advantage of these great deals while they last because you can use your current ATOMIC Ballroom punch cards and VIP Memberships for the live stream group classes as well as for the Video Chat Private Lessons! So if you’re starting to feel cabin fever, feel socially isolated, or are just missing class, ATOMIC has a solution! You can practice safe social distancing while practicing your dance moves all at once, still with your favorite instructors, and all from the comfort of your own home! Don’t delay, check it out today!