Hey folks!  It’s time for the usual Thanksgiving Post but we’re going to do that tomorrow.  First we’d like to get you in a HAPPY mood as we celebrate the debut of a new music video featuring swing, lindy hop, charleston and solo jazz dancing!  Atomic Ballroom owner, Nikki Marvin and Nick Williams are featured swinging out down the street while Los Angeles dancers Minn Vo and Jonathan Redavid gives us some classic jazz moves in the train station.

Pharrel Williams – Happy

Singer-songwriter and music producer , Pharrell Williams, shot 24 hours of video with people dancing and lip-syncing to his hit from the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack, Happy. There is an 4 minute Official Video cut from the 24 hours of film, but you can check out some familiar faces dancing across the screen for 4 to 5 minutes in the day long project.

Check out the 24 Hour Film Project, 24 Hours of Happy, featuring cameos by Magic Johnson, Steve Carrell, Jamie Fox & some local OC and LA swing dancers!

Warning Note: You can’t help it, but this song will make you feel happy! It’s catchy, it has a nice beat, easy lyrics and tons of smiling people. Try not to be moved by the music…I dare you!

Nikki Marvin & Nick Williams

[To Find Nikki & Nick on the 24 Hour of Happy website, go to 1:32:05]

Minn Vo & Jonathan Rendavid

[To Find Minn & Jonathan on the 24 Hour of Happy website, go to 2:20:10]

Clap Along If You Feel Like That’s What You Want To Do!

It’s really neat when you get to see friends become accomplished performers and the dances you love are being enjoyed by many more people. So congrats to Nikki and Nick on another fabulous music video featuring swing dancing!

Heading into Thanksgiving, I will be giving thanks for the opportunity to enjoy dancing (swing, lindy hop, balboa, jazz and other dances) for leisure! And thankful for the tireless performers and promoters who continue to push our dance into the spotlight so it can be sustained through the years. So clap along and have a HAPPY holidays!