Breaking News from Yehoodi: The Frankie Manning Legacy Fund has just announced that they are providing a scholarship for a Lindy Hop ambassador to attend the Herräng dance camp in Sweden.
The application process is detailed here on Yehoodi. Like all scholarship application processes, it’s extensive but I think well worth it. I hope to see SoCal Lindy Hoppers coming out in force to apply for this.
The Frankie Manning Legacy Fund is dedicated to keeping the spirit of Lindy Hop alive, and I really love their mandate: “To empower exceptional students of Lindy Hop who come from communities that have little or no exposure to Lindy Hop so that they may take what they learn back to their community of origin to help the spread of Lindy Hop.”
I love this. I love that Frankie Manning’s legacy lives on through the spirit of the dance that he loved so much. I love the fact that there’s an organization dedicated to keeping this dance alive and well, so that my great-great-great-great-great grandkids can still be learning about Lindy Hop – and hopefully they’re dancing themselves.
This is cooler than a roomful of ninjas. No wait…as cool as a roomful of ninjas doing interpretative dance.
The next time you hear from me, I’ll be in the Big Easy and updating you from Fleur de Lindy!
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