ATOMIC Ballroom and the Atomic Cherry Bombs are delighted to release the October pinup: Ms. Betty Jo.
So much to say about our newest Atomic Chery Bomb Pin Up, so little time. Lets see what I can fit in:
- World traveller
- Thirdbase superstar (Currently 2010 champion)
- 2 Bachelor Degrees
- Master’s Degree
- Attending law school and getting her PhD in the spring
- Owner of
- Published author
- Mime
- Tea enthusiast
- Runs the website:
- Englandophile (I think she made up that word, she does that)
- Professional food taster
- Forensic anthropologist
- EPL fan (secretly follows Arsenal)
- Philantroperoptomitristopherific (see, another made up word, what does that even mean?)
That is quite a list of accomplishments and made up words. But Betty Jo is more than just a list of words, made up or not. The October PinUp is proudly married to the most wonderful man in the entire world. Her husband, who would like to remain nameless, is, in her words, “The best human being on the planet.”
We tried to schedule an interview with her hubby, but he was off saving the homeless and sheltering the poor in a small Cambodian village in Sweden. He was then on a tour around the world to rescue abused goats and wombats in Morocco. But after listening to his voice mail message, we can understand why he is the best human being on the planet.
Feel free to download and share our October Pinup Poster.
Looking for more pinups? Check out the rest of our sexy pin up girls here.