Some of the most common things listed on most New Years resolutions are to lose weight
or become more healthy, improve finances, change job, try a new activity or learn a new skill, find love and change ones relationship status.
Of these popular themes, ballroom dancing checks off at least three items off of this typical New Years Resolution list all at once. So why not incorporate it into ones routine?

An important distinction between the typical dance club scene and social dance scene at ballrooms like ATOMIC is the “meat market” feel. While not all dance clubs are meat markets (believe me, I’ve personally tested out my fair share over the years!) there tends to be a
perception that many people go to night clubs just to drink and find someone to pick up on. Since this is a common expectation, it is often what many find. And while I have witnessed, or even personally experienced finding  love in a nightclub, let’s face it, it isn’t the most conventional or proven way to do so and also yield the best result!

So for those who are looking for another alternative to the typical bar scene or online dating, a superb option and best kept secret it seems is ballroom dancing.
In addition, studies show that partner dancing reduces stress, increases levels of serotonin (known as the feel-good hormone), and helps develop new neural connections in the brain. From neural connections to social connections, dance is a proven great way to make new social connections both in friendship and love. While on the dance floor couples must communicate non-verbally with their eyes, body language and more.

Along with the studies, the evidence of platonic and romantic connections can be seen all around. ATOMIC is filled with relationship success stories, including owners Shesha and Nikki Marvin, who first connected through dance, and many years later are married with children, while still sharing and spreading their love of dance together. Long time ATOMIC instructor Corey Eiland met his wife of over ten years out dancing, and like the Marvins, the Eilands have two kids and never stopped dancing. While there are too many ATOMIC patrons to list who have found love in this very ballroom, a few fairly recent connections have resulted in engagements!

One such couple is Sammantha Rutledge and Emiliano Preciado. Once frequenting ATOMIC as singles, they initially struck up a platonic friendship as many do in this famously friendly studio. Finding one another in the ballroom lounge, where they would chat over refreshments, and then share a passionate salsa or bachata dance with each other and other new friends. Both were more or less beginners at the time, so as they grew in their dancing abilities together, their connection and feelings also began to grow as well. After a number of months they discovered that their connection was greater than just dance, and everyone else around them could see it as well. The two became inseparable, and by Christmas of 2018 they became engaged!
Like many others, this unexpected couple found love when they weren’t looking for it. However, in part due to the increased production of serotonin during dance, the low pressure atmosphere, and the overall, undeniable fun in the ballroom, it’s not at all uncommon for special connections like these to form, blossom and grow into lasting relationships!

If you’re hoping for a romantic connection, or even just looking to meet new people and make new friends while learning dance from top notch instructors, come take a chance and dance at ATOMIIC, as you never know if that stumble on the dance floor could lead to a stumble into the arms of someone special, perhaps blossoming to love and romantic bliss!