With Jazz Music for Every Taste Bud

Ever since Atomic Ballroom began, many years ago, I have loved going the Tuesday night swing dance, because it was an excellent dance break early in the week.  Tuesday Sock Hops offer a fair bit of space to swingout or practice in a corner, unlike Friday nights where nearly everyone has the next morning off (but which are incredibly fun as well).

Now, DJs Amber Villa and Jofflyn Valencia are keeping the floor jumping with a wide variety of jazz – at mostly mid-tempos – in the main ballroom downstairs.  And upstairs, there is a smaller room where featured DJs will speed up the tempos for the fast lindy and balboa enthusiasts.

Music at Sock Hop Tuesdays

I had a chance to ask DJ Amber about the tunes she chooses and her approach to music sets at Tuesday Sock Hops.  Not only does she play to the crowd, take requests and rotate her playlists (to avoid hearing the same songs each week), but she consciously plays blocks of different swing genres:  Modern Swing, 50’s, Big Band and Dixieland Jazz.  These blocks are punctuated by requests or Amber’s personal favorites, such as soul/funk, bluesy tunes and that new New Orleans Old Timey Jazz.

My favorite thing about Amber’s sets is the fact that she play a lot of music you can go out and listen to live!  This is great promotion for the musicians and a great way to introduce local dancers and new students to swing music they can relate and connect to.  Here are some of her favorite local bands…

Jonathan Stout

Stompy Jones

Icy Hot Club


It’s always good to be exposed to new music.  And it’s even better to try things out on the social dance floor!  So come down to Atomic Ballroom in Irvine on Tuesday Nights. We’ll be Sock Hoppin’ around the room.  And don’t forget to ask DJ Amber or Jofflyn to play your favorite tunes!

Upstairs Balboa Room at Atomic on Tuesdays

If you’re looking for some faster tunes and a challenge for your feet, head upstairs where DJs will be spinning the faster swing tunes to satisfy those crazy balboa, shag and super fast lindyhoppers!  DJ Augie Freeman will be there as well as other Guest DJs.  So head upstairs if you’re looking for a faster change of pace.

You’re bound to find some music and fun for everyone!

Join Us Tuesday Nights at Atomic Ballroom in Irvine for a Swingin’ Sock Hop!