September Pin Up: Ms. Claire Voyannte

After a long and exhausting trip to Sardinia, our September Pin Up, Ms. Calire Voyannte of the Atomic Cherry Bombs, sat down with ATOMIC Ballroom and shared some of her most intimate details about life, love, and a long yearning for ruffles.

ATOMIC: So, Ms. Voyannte…

PinUp: Call me Ms. Claire.

ATOMIC: Very well, Ms. Claire, I heard through the grapevine that you just got back from a wonderful trip to Sardinia, Italy, can you tell the readers more about it?

PinUp: Of course. You see, it’s a bit of a long story, as I was there for over 5 months on a photo shoot. It all started back in Philadelphia, home to the Eagles and a giant cracked bell. It was there that I met Senor Rosco. Rosco is a bit of an extravagant, he is a photo journalist, philanthropist, and up and coming Cricket player in Pakistan. What he was doing in Philadelphia, I will never know, I can’t even remember why I was there. Oh wait, yes, I remember why I was there, it was for an Eagles football game. My how I love those tight fitting pants. But, I digress. So I was talking to Senor Rosco…[author’s  edit: 2 hours later] Then I ended up in Sardinia taking photos for an upcoming spread in Dance Fantastic Monthly. It was a truly glorious experience, rugged mountainside, pristine beaches, and the clothes. Wow, the clothes. The amount of vintage clothes I had at my disposal would make Adrienne’s wardrobe look like a swap meet. Everything from the 20s through the 60s, and all dead stock!  I felt like the luckiest woman in the world.

ATOMIC: So you had a wonderful time in Sardinia I see.

PinUp: Yes, I can’t wait to go back.

ATOMIC: Did you leave because the shoot ended?

PinUp: Oh, heavens no. I came back to the states to take part in the annual OC Brewfest!

ATOMIC: I’m sorry, but I don’t drink, and I am prohibited to talk about drinking in any fashion by my parents. Since we are running out of time, if you will, if you could tell the readers one thing, what would it be?

PinUp: When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall — think of it, always.

ATOMIC: Thank you Ms. Claire. I, as well as the readers, value your time, and wish you the best of luck on your photoshoot and all future ventures.  If you do another pinups calendar, please let us know.

PinUp: Absolutely! I had a blast doing the pinup calendar. If you haven’t gotten it already, you can buy one online!

Feel free to download and share our September Pinup Poster.


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